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The Healing Power of Group Meditation – a small-group workshop for caregiving men

Join Bob Speck for a small-group workshop for caregiving men. This workshop will be an opportunity to explore the healing power of circle in the supportive company of other like-minded men, other men who are quietly enduring various challenges associated with friends, family, or other loved ones. The workshop will include: integrated practices of Humble Warrior Yoga (as developed by Bob) and the meditative practices of Yin Yoga; mindfulness-based outdoor hike; group healing-circle, intention-sharing, and reflective-listening practices. The group size will be limited to the first 7 registrants. Lunch will be provided. Fee: $120. Sunday, September 15, 2024: 8:30 am – 2:30 pm Schedule: 8:30 am: Introductions (Meet at HOTV Yoga Studio) followed by hike to Equinox Preserve 10:00 am: Humble Warrior Yoga practice at HOTV Yoga 11:15 am: Break 11:30 am: Lunch in circle together 12:00 pm: Yin Yoga and Intention-Setting 12:30 pm: Healing Circle 2:00 pm: Reflections and

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Breathe to Be Here Now

“Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment.”  – Thich Nhat Hahn I return to Thich Nhat Hahn’s meditations over and over again and never more than now in this challenging time. When our minds worry about the future, a future we can hardly predict, we become tense, anxious and unhappy. When our minds as well as our bodies live fully in each moment, we become calm and happy. One day last week, I was feeling particularly distracted and uncomfortable. My mind was busy thinking about politics, the pandemic, my family, black lives matter, finances, etc. I was painting a door in my house and I started saying to myself, “Breathing in, I am painting the door; breathing out I am painting the door.” I repeated this meditation in sync with my breath for 30 minutes

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Listen to this Yoga Nidra Meditation

. . . and experience deep rest. Wiped out? Tired? Looking for a reset? In pain? Listen to this guided meditation and experience deep rest. Set an intention stating what you’d like to manifest in your life and realize your heart’s deepest longing. It’s easy. All you have to do is lie down and listen.

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Ocean Meditation at the seashore

Jo Kirsch leads a quiet, calming meditation recorded at the beach. The focus is on breathing in and breathing out while listening to the ebb and flow of the waves. Transport yourself to the seaside and unite your mind and body with your breath.

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Hand Counting Meditation Practice

Counting on the fingers is an ancient Indian ritual used for breathing exercises and meditation. One does so by placing the thumb in various positions each time we breathe in. Move the thumb around the knuckles in a circular manner. See the diagram below. Doing so, you take 12 compete breaths. Consider that one round. You can keep track of your rounds with your other hand. When sitting down to meditate, I like to breathe 10 rounds of 12. When accessing this method to calm down, become centered and grounded anywhere, anytime, one complete round of 12 breaths can be practiced. Don’t worry if you lose count as you go around. Just begin again. If you can, practice this hand counting meditation every morning when you get up. If successful there, you may add it into your day at noontime and before bed. Set realistic goals. Start slowly. Soon you

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Breathing Techniques (Pranayama)

Breathing Techniques (Pranayama) Breathing Techniques are best learned with a teacher. That being said, you can follow these directions and practice on your own. Just set time aside to assimilate the effects of the breathing practice into your being. Warrior Breath The warrior or ocean sounding breath is focusing, grounding and aids in concentration. It is called the ocean sounding breath because you make an ocean sound by contracting the glottis with the inhalation and exhalation. This breathing technique is done through the nose with the contraction engaged on the inhalation and exhalation. To make the ocean sound, draw air in towards the back of the throat. As you exhale, press air towards the roof of the mouth. Draw the inhalation out to meet the exhalation in intensity and duration. Repeat, feeling the ebb and flow of the tide. Three-Part Breath The three-part breath or complete breath is nourishing, calming

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