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The Healing Power of Group Meditation – a small-group workshop for caregiving men

Join Bob Speck for a small-group workshop for caregiving men. This workshop will be an opportunity to explore the healing power of circle in the supportive company of other like-minded men, other men who are quietly enduring various challenges associated with friends, family, or other loved ones. The workshop will include: integrated practices of Humble Warrior Yoga (as developed by Bob) and the meditative practices of Yin Yoga; mindfulness-based outdoor hike; group healing-circle, intention-sharing, and reflective-listening practices. The group size will be limited to the first 7 registrants. Lunch will be provided. Fee: $120. Sunday, September 15, 2024: 8:30 am – 2:30 pm Schedule: 8:30 am: Introductions (Meet at HOTV Yoga Studio) followed by hike to Equinox Preserve 10:00 am: Humble Warrior Yoga practice at HOTV Yoga 11:15 am: Break 11:30 am: Lunch in circle together 12:00 pm: Yin Yoga and Intention-Setting 12:30 pm: Healing Circle 2:00 pm: Reflections and

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Pranayama and Sound Bath

with Kailey Fellows 3 to 4:30 P.M., Sunday, July 21 $40 (Recurring $108 monthly members use promo code: Members20 for 20% off) Click here to register. In this session, you will be gently guided through a series of breathwork exercises designed to promote relaxation and release tension. Through mindful breathing techniques and gentle movement, you will learn to cultivate a deeper connection with your breath, allowing it to become a source of profound peace and renewal. We will end class with a restorative sound bath. This event is open to everyone seeking relief from the stresses of daily life or longing to reconnect with themselves. Kailey is a certified yoga and mindfulness meditation teacher. After starting her professional career as a photographer in New York City, navigating the fast-paced rhythms of the industry, and burning out, she experienced the profound healing of yoga and meditation. Through her personal practice, she

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Charlotte Alexander

Meet Charlotte Alexander

Charlotte is teaching our Wednesday, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Slow Flow Yoga class this summer. “This is the perfect time to slow down and enjoy every moment of summer. Come to the mat to breathe deeply with me, find your focus, and release tension. I infuse each class with themes and intentions like contentment, ease, or joy. You might hear about a broken dryer, the smell of ferns, my love of Mr. Rogers, or a lesson in the Sanskrit word asana. Bring your smile, hiker’s muscles, busy brain, working hands, and have fun with me! Getting to know Charlotte: “For the past ten years I’ve grown up by the Green Mountains of Vermont. I love hiking the long trail, backpacking, fly fishing, kayaking, hammocking, knitting, writing, traveling and of course, practicing yoga. Yoga has enriched each part of my life and built me into the passionate teacher I am today.

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Ocean Meditation at the seashore

Jo Kirsch leads a quiet, calming meditation recorded at the beach. The focus is on breathing in and breathing out while listening to the ebb and flow of the waves. Transport yourself to the seaside and unite your mind and body with your breath.

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Hand Counting Meditation Practice

Counting on the fingers is an ancient Indian ritual used for breathing exercises and meditation. One does so by placing the thumb in various positions each time we breathe in. Move the thumb around the knuckles in a circular manner. See the diagram below. Doing so, you take 12 compete breaths. Consider that one round. You can keep track of your rounds with your other hand. When sitting down to meditate, I like to breathe 10 rounds of 12. When accessing this method to calm down, become centered and grounded anywhere, anytime, one complete round of 12 breaths can be practiced. Don’t worry if you lose count as you go around. Just begin again. If you can, practice this hand counting meditation every morning when you get up. If successful there, you may add it into your day at noontime and before bed. Set realistic goals. Start slowly. Soon you

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