
Membership Drive

Become a unlimited monthly member!

For $108 a month,  receive access to unlimited classes, 20% off in our Boutique and a preferred rate on workshops.

Attend 2 classes a week, or 8 classes a month, for $13.50 a class! That’s less than a 10 class card for $140.

Attend 3 classes a week, or 12 classes a month, for $9 a class!

Attend 4 classes a week or 16 classes a month, for $6.75 a class!

Join as a member and attend unlimited classes, In-person or livestream, all year long.

Click here to purchase your monthly recurring pass.

Or, if you prefer, you can buy an annual membership for $1170  – which amounts to $97.50 a month.
Click here to purchase an unlimited year of yoga.

Yoga benefits our well being in so many ways:

1. Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
2. Yoga helps with back pain relief.
3. Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms.
4. Yoga benefits heart health.
5. Yoga relaxes you, to help you sleep better.
6. Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods.
7. Yoga helps you manage stress.
8. Yoga connects you with a supportive community.
9. Yoga promotes better self-care.

Click here to read the full article on the scientific research on yoga benefits by John Hopkins Medicine.

See you soon on your mat!