
Yoga Designed for Brain Longevity

by  Barb Lowes

Have you ever experienced brain fog? We think it comes from living busy lives and/or aging. We tend to think it’s inevitable, but, in reality, it is not. Research has proven that yoga and meditation help to reduce stress (a leading issue for memory loss) and improve mental focus and clarity. Beginning June 7, I will be teaching “Yoga Designed for Brain Longevity” – a new weekly class offered from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday. The mission of this new class is to help prevent memory related diseases and help individuals live a high quality of life through yoga, reiki and meditation.

Yes, you can affect the health of your brain when you choose to educate yourself with proper prevention strategies.  Each week, we will study different parts of the Four Pillars of Brain Longevity and then practice slow flow yoga. This style of  practice promotes peace and quiet in the mind and body, preparing you for meditation.

Our practice  will end each week with a medical mind body meditation called Kirtan Kriya also known as Brain Aerobics. This meditation is based on the work of Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD, Founding President/Medical Director of the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Organization in Tucson, Arizona.

            Courtesy of Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Organization.

It is a very ancient yoga meditation that has been medically studied over the last twenty years. These studies have proven that this particular meditation has a profoundly positive impact on cognition, improves resting brain activity, pumps up cerebral blood flow, reverses memory loss, boosts brain size and volume, better sleep and last but not least, of course, reduces stress as well as instances of anxiety and depression.

You will learn and practice easy, accessible tools you can use in daily life. This practice is open to all levels. No yoga experience necessary.

To learn more about some of the research visit:

“Yoga and Kirtan Kriya Meditation to Bolster Brain Functioning”Psychology Today

“Top 6 Benefits of Kirtan Kriya Meditation”Psych News Daily

“A Better Brain in 12 Minutes a Day” – Brain Health Kitchen

© Barb Lowes, 2022